Africa's Finest Trade Law & Policy Consultants
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Trade in Services

Development of a trade in Services Policy and Master Plan. Drafting the National Trade in Services Policy, National Trade in Services Master Plan and their supporting background Report for Uganda.

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Trade Negotiations

Consultancy services to develop framework to guide Uganda’s engagement with third parties in investment negotiations. Providing a framework to guide Uganda’s engagement with third parties in investment negotiations. Specifically:

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Trade & Investment

EAC Framework to guide EAC Partner States’ engagement with third parties on investment negotiations. Part of the team involved in developing the framework.

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Trade Policy Analysis

Trade Policy and the Strategy for the implementation of the CMP for 2017 – 2024. Part of a bigger team of consultants designing the scope for the TMEA strategy for the implementation of the CMP for 2017 – 2024.

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Trainings & Workshops

Our lead consultant is part of the Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa (TRAPCA) global Faculty. Involved in training participants from all over Africa who are involved in trade policy formulation.

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Our Work 

EK Consulting Group is a private sector trade technical consultancy that offers expertise in trade law and policy in the East African region through the provision of research and training services. We have gained an undisputable repute in offering high quality services. 


National Study to Inform the COMESA Trade in Services Negotiations for the second phase of negotiations in Uganda.  


Analysis of Regulatory Regimes Governing Free Movement of Persons in each SADC State for purposes of providing services, the SADC Trade in Services negotiations.


Providing support to the EAC Common Market Negotiations, by feeding into the research and analysis of the Ugandan negotiators, (The High Level Task Force). 

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Investigating the possibilities for Uganda’s services traders to benefit from the LDC Services Waiver for LDCs. 
